Letters written by Lucille Bernice Oswald Revis to her daughter Lily (and a few to her granddaughter Jan) 2000 through 2008.
Lucille wrote about what she was doing that day or week, so these letters are very much a daily journal chronicling her life.
This is the end of her letters, with all 4 posts bringing in a total of over 200 pages.
I'm guessing at this one's date based on where I found it in the stack of letters.
06 July 2000
22 August 2000
14 November 2000
08 February 2001
25 February 2001
12 August 2001
10 December 2001
01 February 2002
15 July 2002
22 December 2002
09 February 2003
04 August 2004
02 September 2004
24 February 2006
22 March 2006
29 June 2006
April 2007
25 April 2007
03 December 2007
15 January 2008?
08 January 2008
27 February 2008
My goal in all of the Dead Family Tales is to present stories that would have been told around a kitchen table or campfire during family gatherings.
A new Dead Family Tale is posted every Monday.
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Do you have more tales of our Koprek, Haupt, Revis, or Oswald lines?
Please contact me or add it in the comment section at the bottom of this page.
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The fee to the internet hosting company for our deadfamilytales
site is $20 a month, so if 20 of you readers were to pledge $1,
that cost would be covered!
My research is a labor of love, as you might have guessed, but
I live on SS income and money gets tight some months.